Say hello to our brand new website!

It has been a long time coming but today we're excited to announce the launch of our newest website!

A lot has changed. For starters, the web has moved on leaps and bounds in terms of both design and technology. So much in fact, that it's almost unrecognizable compared to when we built our old website, which I loved! We've also changed quite a bit as a company too. There are now 4 of us, myself and 3 part-timers working away in my space in Manhattan.  Though I've moved from Aspen, CO my heart has grown to love the inspiration and resources the Big Apple has to offer. FABRIC! FABRIC! FABRIC!

So what's new? Well, everything really! The new site has been designed to make it easier for you, with pictures that can be magnified for better viewing, infinite scrolling so you don't click to the next page, quick shop with multiple views and related products. Best of all is being able to edit the site myself, which allows me to display information that is current and give you answers to your questions more quickly. 

We're not finished with things quite yet though, because as always, there's lots to do and never enough time. The next step is shooting how to videos over the coming weeks, so keep your eyes peeled.

Anyway, we'll leave you to go and have a browse as there's lots to see and click on. We really do hope you like the new site and please let us know if you have any feedback by either dropping us an email or comment below. Oh, and you should really like us on Facebook!!!





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Неу hei?еr Kerl! Jetzt bin iсh in deiner Stаdt und ich mochtе wirklich Spa? hаben, ich liеbe Sеx wirкlich:
Аllе meinе Sexfоtоs sind hier, iсh bin jetzt in dеinеr Stadt, lass es uns wissеn:
Heу hei?er Kеrl! Ich mochte dich аbsaugen und mеinе Jungfraulichкеit mit dir verlieren:
Ich bin 500 Меter von dir еntfernt und iсh moсhte, dаss du mich fiсkst:
Hаllо hei?еr Kеrl! Ich suсhе Sex in dеiner Stadt und moсhtе wirкliсh, dаss du mich hoсhziehst:


Неу hei?еr Kerl! Jetzt bin iсh in deiner Stаdt und ich mochtе wirklich Spa? hаben, ich liеbe Sеx wirкlich:
Аllе meinе Sexfоtоs sind hier, iсh bin jetzt in dеinеr Stadt, lass es uns wissеn:
Heу hei?er Kеrl! Ich mochte dich аbsaugen und mеinе Jungfraulichкеit mit dir verlieren:
Ich bin 500 Меter von dir еntfernt und iсh moсhte, dаss du mich fiсkst:
Hаllо hei?еr Kеrl! Ich suсhе Sex in dеiner Stadt und moсhtе wirкliсh, dаss du mich hoсhziehst:


Неу hei?еr Kerl! Jetzt bin iсh in deiner Stаdt und ich mochtе wirklich Spa? hаben, ich liеbe Sеx wirкlich:
Аllе meinе Sexfоtоs sind hier, iсh bin jetzt in dеinеr Stadt, lass es uns wissеn:
Heу hei?er Kеrl! Ich mochte dich аbsaugen und mеinе Jungfraulichкеit mit dir verlieren:
Ich bin 500 Меter von dir еntfernt und iсh moсhte, dаss du mich fiсkst:
Hаllо hei?еr Kеrl! Ich suсhе Sex in dеiner Stadt und moсhtе wirкliсh, dаss du mich hoсhziehst:


Finishing my Little Something Jacket. Really easy until I get to the finish facing part. I don’t understand how you stitch 2-1/2” from the folded edge of the facing when there isn’t that much facing to stitch too. Is it a typo error? My reasoning is 5/8 to 1” from the folded edge of front . Found shoulder attachment to facing a little confusing too. But overall I like the simplicity and style. I plan to make several of different weights of fabrics. I live in NC east coast,so our weather is pretty warm most of the time. So this pattern and style work very well for me. Thank you.

Doloris Muzzy

I have A Little Somerhin Jacket pattern. Having a difficult time attaching front a to back b at neckline. How far down does the front have to go down? I have made the notches but cannot seem to fit it in the space allotted. Thank you.


Hi do your patterns come in PDF form please?

Paula keeler

Hi Karen,
I purchased one of your patterns. A little somethin jacket.
There are several places on the pattern tissue where the printing did not print and I cannot tell where my cut lines are.
Could you please send me another tissue pattern?
Also, clarification needed on the instructions. Do the shadings on the pattern piece instructions follow the same standards as say a simplicity pattern? Ie: dark shading=pattern printed side down. Dark shading=Right side of fabric?
Thank you for your assistance!
Paula Keeler


I cannot find a size key on your site. What size is a small. Med, large and x-large?
Thank you,

Judy E

Thank so so much Karen! Got my pattern yesterday and am anxious to try it! I also got my fabric and I must say I LOVE them! I purchased for the first time some batik rayons and they’re wonderful! Colors are perfect, the drape is beautiful and they washed really well!

Angel Messer

CNT is one of the best and I’m so glad I found it so I can be a regular.

Andrew Kole

Without CNT I’d still be on my first sewing project – as opposed to celebrating my 100th garment.
Love you Karen!!!!

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